About Me

My Educational/Training Background  My training allows me to tell you I hold a Doctor of Philosophy in Family Therapy, a Master of Arts in Counseling, a Master of Religious Education, and a Bachelor of Behavioral Science in Mass Communication. I am licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (TSBEPC) and TSBEPC certify me as an Approved Supervisor.  I am trained to independently treat mental health and substance abuse problems and coordinate care with other health professionals.

I’ve been working as a counselor and mental health professional for 20 years. For the last 16 years, I’ve taught Counseling at the University level in Texas and in Europe. I believe teaching strengthens my knowledge base and helps me apply the most current research and therapy techniques in clinical practice for the benefit of my clients.

My Influences

I am a Texan living in Switzerland. My husband is Swiss and we have been married for twenty years. We moved to the Zurich area after spending the first 12 years of our life together in Texas. Together, we have one son. The international component of my personal and professional experience give me a good grasp of the increasing number of stressors that impact our lives as we live and work internationally. I believe the challenges of international living and international relationships can enrich our lives.

My life is faith based and this has great impact on my thinking and hope for the future. I believe most people have a system of spiritual understanding. I maintain a Christian world view, but work with clients of many different spiritual traditions in therapy in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

I am hopeful. It has been my privilege to work alongside people as they move toward change and uncover the possibilities for health, healing and recovery.  The process is not always easy, but there is hope and you can find a greater feeling of control and satisfaction. This process begins with your willingness to look for change. 

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Brenda Brunner, Ph.D.

Alte Winterthurerstrasse 31
8304 Wallisellen

[email protected]